Tailored Day Services

Tailored Day Curriculum

  1. Vocational Skill Development
  2. Educational Advancement
  3. Life Skills Training
  4. Social and Interpersonal Skills
  5. Community Integration
  6. Health and Wellness
  7. Independent Living Skills

Tailored Day Services

Tailored Day Services (TDS) provides a personalized day program designed for adults, focusing on developing practical skills through vocational, educational, and community-based training. The goal is to help individuals achieve or sustain an independent and meaningful role within their community.

Collaborative Client Support Process

A team of direct service professionals or caseworkers, including a representative from the San Diego Regional Center, will collaborate with clients to develop an Individual Support Plan (ISP) that outlines personal goals and tracks progress. Each client will be assigned a direct service professional or caseworker who will meet with them one-on-one on a weekly basis to work toward their life goals. Progress will be regularly documented and presented to the team during semi-annual reviews to update and adjust the client’s ISP accordingly.

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